Welcome To Gradiva Journal( Issn No : 0363-8057 )

Journal Information
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– editor@gradivareview.com
Scopus link : https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/16200154732
Scopus Active And Ugc Care Group 2 Journal
A Multidisciplinary Journal
We Will publish your paper within 48hrs
Acceptance Status – 1-2days
Open Access & Peer Reviewed Journal
A Monthly Publishing Journal
Lowest processing charge – 2360/ per article
Impact Factor – 6.3
About Gradiva:
Gradiva Review Journal is A Monthly Peer Reviewed Multi Disciplinary Journal. Gradiva Review Journal Is An Endeavour To Promote Research, Innovation And New Ideas In Various Fields Of Technology For Journal Publication.It Aims To Publish Original, Theoretical And Practical Advances In Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Electronics And Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Textile Engineering And All Interdisciplinary Streams. All Submitted Papers Will Be Reviewed By The Board Of Committee.
The Mission of Gradiva Review Journal Is to Disseminate Original, Scientific, Theoretical Or Applied Research In All Fields, To Dispense A Platform For Publishing Results And Research With A Strong Empirical Component, To Aqueduct The Significant Gap Between Research And Practice By Promoting The Publication Of Original, Novel, Industry-Relevant Research, To Seek Original And Unpublished Research Papers Based On Theoretical Or Experimental Works For The Publication Globally, To Publish Original, Theoretical And Practical Advances In All Interdisciplinary Streams Of Engineering Sciences, To Impart A Platform For Publishing Results And Research With A Strong Empirical Component.
*Easy & Rapid paper publishing process.
*Low publication fee to promote the research work
*GRJ is indexed in Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearchGate, Scribd and many more.
*GRJ provides individual Soft Copy of Certificate of Publication to each Authors of paper.
Scopus is one of the biggest citation databases for peer-reviewed publications, papers, and colloquiums that exists in the globe today. Any body who is of repute within the academic community seeks to have their research work published in Scopus indexed journals and publications because they are trusted and read by millions academics, researchers, scholars and other professionals across the world. One the most well-known and prominent Gradiva get to be indexed in Scopus
*The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given author/journal has published at least h papers that have each been cited at least h times.
*The index is designed to improve upon simpler measures such as the total number of citations or publications.
*The index works best when comparing scholars working in the same field, since citation conventions differ widely among different fields.

The definition of Q since its first use in 1914 has been generalized to apply to coils and condensers, resonant circuits, resonant devices, resonant transmission lines, cavity resonators, and has expanded beyond the electronics field to apply to dynamical
systems in general: mechanical and acoustic resonators, material Q and quantum systems such as spectral lines and particle resonances.
UGC-CARE Group II Journal