VOLUME 11 ISSUE 3 2025

1.Randomized Control Study of Efficacy of Kamalchoorna With Tandulodak In Asrugdar with Special Reference to Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Dr Amit D Shinde
S.S.T. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya,Sangamner
PAGE NO: 1-11

2.To Study The Progression Of Doppler Abnormalities In Fetal Growth Restriction And Perinatal Outcome
Dr Rajeshwari M,Dr Geetha K,Ks Rajeshwari,Dr Sirisha PSNRS
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai,India
PAGE NO: 12-27

3.Design And Implemenation Of Landmine Detection Rover Using Android
A. Samundeeshwari, J. Vasanth, S. Vasanth,R. Saran
Paavai Engineering College, Pachal, Namakkal
PAGE NO: 28-31

4.Critical analysis of consumer exploitation and tax evasion in COVID-19 in India
Dr. Santosh Dinkar Gawai ,Dr. Shreeprasad Kulkarni
BITM, Sri Balaji University Pune
PAGE NO: 32-43

5.An Android Application for Digital Image Steganography Techniques
Yogesh.B.Jadhao, Pavan.V.Kalamkar, Kanchan.S.Wadode, Shital.R.Ganbas ,Swati.V.Borle
Padmashri Dr.V.B.Kolte College Of Engineering, Malkapur
PAGE NO: 44-46

6.AI-Driven Cheminformatics for Predicting Proteinase Inhibitors: Accelerating Drug Discovery with Machine Learning
Vijayalakshmi.S,Sumithra.T,Jhanani N,V Varsha
Velammal engineering college Chennai, Tamil Nadu
PAGE NO: 47-57

7.A Study of the Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Stress, Adjustment, Interpersonal Relations and Leadership Effectiveness among Youth
Vibhuti Sayal
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thapar University, Patiala
PAGE NO: 58-65

8.Osmotic dehydration of pineapple (Ananas comosus) in ternary osmotic system
Annamalai university, India
Govt women’s polytechnic college, Madurai, India
PAGE NO: 66-94

9.A review on comparative analysis of RCC high rise building with belt truss outrigger and base isolation (lead rubber bearing) for different earthquake zones and all types of soils
Vidya T. Patil,Popat D. Kumbhar
Rajarambapu institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar, Dist.Sangli, MS, India
PAGE NO: 95-103